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Protection of the Environment and Humanity
Being human involves preventing oneself from poisoning and producing harmfulness which poisons the earth, water and air and destroys biological life as well as other human beings. All the destructive, poisonous contamination produced by the underhuman creatures, human-animals with limited consciousness, sick minds and darkened souls points to the killing instincts of a non-human humanoid, demonic nature which generates poisons, destruction and contamination which are highly dangerous for all the other natural creatures and, finally, are also harmful or deadly for the destroyer. Humanization is the level of consciousness at which a human-animal quits the activities which are harmful for the others as well as for oneself. He/she stops poisoning, littering and destroying the nature in each activity and starts living and acting in harmony with all the nature, cooperating and coexisting with it. Each eco-philosophy or humanitarian science will understand humanity as a level of reason at which a man prevents oneself from toxic activities harmful to the environment. Everyone who pollutes and poisons the natural environment, water, earth or air could be, traditionally speaking, called the worst and the meanest of sinners! ...
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There is a lot of suffering in this world but do people comprehend its
meaning fully? Why do we suffer while living here on the Earth in human
bodies and why do we feel sad, worried or sick if Good God in His Act of
Creation did not want his people to feel like that? When you think
about suffering you are usually afraid of the fact that you or your
relatives or friends can feel it and you want to prevent this suffering;
however, it is not always possible because people make too many
mistakes and give up to too many bad instincts, they lie and cheat to
their Guruh – Spiritual Teacher, promising him different things such as
building a new ashram and they do not keep their promises and then, when
they suffer, they ponder about the reason for it. They feel offended
and turn away from their Guruh, from God, fall out of the spiritual
community, or they look for other “spiritual” schools, or, unwilling to
understand the cause and effects of their own behavior from their past
incarnations and from the past of the current life, which lead to the
suffering, pain, accidents, loneliness, poverty and misery they are
going through, they become atheists. Because suffering concerns only
those who do the wrong things and rebel against the spiritual teaching
and those who do not do the duties they owe to God, the duties to which
they agreed before they came down to the Earth taking on their human
bodies. Suffering concerns those who do not listen to the advice of
their Spiritual Guides and who rebel against them instead of living in
accordance with their spiritual Sadhana! ...
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The characteristic features of People-Angels
People-Angels are often incarnated into common people in order to live
on this Earth, among normal people as the "creatures out of this land"!
The feeling of having origins in the Cosmos, being different from the
majority of people, the impression of being a part of a different level
of being, these are the most typical signals of the angelic nature. The
angelic souls, the deva-like creatures, are very simple and trusting in
their nature, they are absolutely honest and frank and it is often
difficult for them to live among the demonic, severe people who are full
of lies, hypocrisy and intrigues of all kinds. Angels incarnated into
human bodies do not create strong bonds with earthy creatures nor things
and what is clearly visible in them is their independence and their
being different. An Angel walks through the earthy life without looking
back and he/she is not attached to the passing things nor events, nor
people. If there is mutual love between a human being and an Angel the
human can be sure of the feeling but when he/she decides to leave it is
certain that he/she cannot come back because Angels never come back to
the past and they never play the demonic game of separation and
restoration, which is so much enjoyed by severe people. The angelic
nature often spontaneously falls into the reflective and pondering mood
during the Sunrise or Sunset and during the time when the Moon is full,
this nature loves observing these phenomena. Angelic human beings
usually enjoys contemplation in simple, spontaneous form since the early
childhood and they avoid places and things which are artificial and not
natural while choosing everything that is natural and touched upon by
the hand of the Creator! ...
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Laya Kriya is a technique relying on attaining the state of Pratyahara – an overview of life and events, which allows reaching hidden levels of the subconscious, also referred to as the lower self (anava).
In the initial phase, it relies on deep relaxation and energizing the
body through conscious, circular breathing known in yoga as Œvasa-Praœvasa. Then, by working with mind, it facilitates reaching to direct causes of problems originating from the past. Laya Kriya
is introduced in the classical Yoga by Ryszi PatañdŸali in an
instruction verse from chapter I.31 which covers a breath joining
breathing in and out in one smooth cycle, as well as three kinds of
cleansing side effects which may occur due to heavy kinds of karma,
confounding, and addictions of human beings. This immemorial system of
natural, conscious, and circular breathing is recommended as the first
of ten methods of ridding oneself of Vyadhi – illnesses and ailments of a
human being (verse I.30). In written versions, Laya Kriya, same as the respiratory Prana Yoga,
counts itself several thousand years, however, it’s commonly known that
works written on palm leaves or papyrus had to be periodically copied
due to little durability of the material used to write on. Specific to
Prana Yoga, to Life Rebirthing, the joined breathing rhythm may
instantly relieve of pain in one’s body and mind. This happens because
during joined breathing, we receive a great amount of healing energy, Pranah.
Thus, joined breathing is used as an anesthetic for procedures or
relieving the effects of painful experiences. When spiritual energy
flows through the body, it helps purify negative energy blocks and
restores the energetic body balance. However, the process of freeing
oneself may be painful if it’s accompanied by strong internal resistance
- then there’s a need for an experienced Spiritual Teacher and several
other methods of intensive work on purging such experiences...
Healing is great ancient art and the more advanced human nature culture
and civilization are, the more focused they are on the natural medicine,
prophylaxis and healing. Body organs are active during all the seasons
and the biological clock of activity is well known to everybody, which
makes it easier to heal and cure more effectively for the power of the
medicament is stronger when it is given at a proper time of the day.
Diseases have their time of intensified activity: it is a common
knowledge that asthma attacks are most fierce between 2 and 6 am of the
local time because the pre-dawn period is the time when nature wakes up
to its everyday life! Chronobiology was known in the ancient times and
natural medicine such as Ayurveda or CMT (Chinese Traditional Medicine) know
perfectly well about daily times of maximal and minimal activity of
every important body organ and system. health nucleus is the main organ
that controls the body clock of health of the whole bodies of people and
mammals! Many medicaments must be taken at a specific time of the day
in order to work, or work most efficiently since time has important
influence on its effectiveness! Early dawn or late evening are the best
times for internal concentration, reflection, prayers and meditations
also those focusing on healing of the body and psyche. Putting thoughts,
emotions, experiences and impressions in order every day has a big
influence on the functioning of a human body, therefore, it is a simple
tip to practice every morning and evening the exercises which purify the
mind and boost spiritual focus...
Building New World of the Whole Humankind
In the modern world, trust towards institutionalised religions is
significantly falling down, while the people’s need to find true,
uncorrupted authorities and spiritual leaders is rising, which is
visible through a big number of religious movements, esoteric groups as
well as the whole movement of New Age!
Spiritual leaders and priests of all kinds can be only advised to
promote themselves, in accordance with the worldly needs, the needs of
generations of incarnated human beings, in an institutionless, private
and totally social way, since the human world is a place which needs
personal, not institutional promotion, like in the Age of Pisces. This
change is one of the characteristic features of the age of dawn, the
beginning of the Age of Aquarius,
the transition of the humankind from the old institutionalised world
into the world of groups and communities organised around charismatic,
spiritual personalities and healthy examples of inner lives. Ideas must
be promoted and spread because good and useful ideas represented by
geniuses and outstanding personalities gather people of the contemporary
world, the people of the new order and social structure, which will be
based on democratic negotiations and realisation of common plans,
accepted in agreement of all the parties!
Svādhishthana Chakram
The second Lotus is placed in abdomen, between the navel and the pubic
bone, above the bladder, and between the kidneys, since it controls the
water energy
and the fluids of the organism. Svādhishthana is a Lotus with six
which represent six sound vibrations, six subtle channel of energy,
which drives the subconscious human Consciousness, Ego situated in the
Lotus Flower! Svāh means Self, Ego, Subconsciousness, and Dhi means
Light, Brightness, Luminosity. Svādhi is the Light of the Self, and
SHTHANA is a Place, Location. Svādhishthana
means „Location of the Light of the Self”, and this name shows that in
connection with this Lotus we concentrate in the Light of Our Own Self,
we look for the Light of the Real Nature.
Many people ask how to join the mystical, spiritual school of life, how
to find a truly esoteric school, which leads human souls through the
Eternal Path. The first sign of an authentic and worthy spiritual
school is the phenomenon of initiation process that exists there,
because something that does not have any processes of initiation, the
transmission of the spirit, cannot be a Spiritual, Mystical Path. The
second sign of such a school is a well-developed and built-up inner
structure of the branches or departments in every school of inner life
in such a way that the beginners find it hard to encompass the number
of kinds and levels of learning which is performed there. The third
sign is a necessity to put a signature on an application to such a
spiritual organization and to fulfill a number of easy but important
activities such as regular payments (usually symbolical), filling in a
number of complex declarations of access, making promises of keeping
secret before the official initiations, and every authentic brotherhood
has a number of procedures which verify the potential candidates. A
real spiritual school is based on teachings of specific masters and
spiritual guides and the people who want to join such an organization
can be rejected or can be submitted to a trial period such as waiting
for the consent to access for a few months or even a few years!
Although anybody can come and try to be let into the deep learning and
practice with a spiritual master, every spiritual master finally
chooses people with the right attitude and level of engagement,
rejecting some students the possibility of studenthood, and being in
the circle of Students of a Spiritual Master is the best privilege of a
human being...
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Life and Teaching of Jesus Christ in Egypt
Life and activities of Prophet Jesus (in Hebrew: Jehoshua), the founder
of Christian religion, is full of mysteries. Those mysteries are,
however, perfectly described in a number of manuscripts and they are
revealed more and more often, still canonical Gospel only suggests that
his life was much richer and much more interesting. Templar Order,
which was earlier known as the Order of the Joanits had a number of
interesting stories, which, at the time of creating the religion of
peace (VII ad.), which Islam is were taken and adapted by the Arabian
(Ismail) and Muslim culture and a number of books and manuscripts
concerning Messiah Jesus can be found in India, Tibet, Burma, Iran or
Afghanistan. There are a lot of historical data, often hidden, from the
two times when Jesus stayed in Egypt; firstly, when as a child he hid
from the evil king, Herod, with his parents, and, secondly, when he was
about 27 and was travelling across different Eastern countries, Persia,
India, Tibet, Mesopotamia, Greece and Egypt, and there are pieces of
information mentioned about his stays, for example in Indian Puranas...
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How to perform spiritual practices effectively
Spiritual practice for Enlightenment or Freedom should be free from
expectations, Fantasies and emotional demands. Human beings must sit in
Asanam, Meditational Position, Zazen, as if it were the last position
of their life, in a stable and determined way, but without unnecessary
strain! The position of the full Lotus Position, Padmasana, with
crossed legs is very much recommended by the Masters and Wisemen who
come to lead people towards the Enlightenment and Freedom. Simple,
straight and relaxed body posture is a common standard, since the
enlightened energies circulate easier and more effectively in a body
position which reminds the example of the enlightened lotus creature
delving in Samadhi (Satori) state. If a man does not stick to his
thoughts too much but lets them flow freely, come and go, then thinking
becomes unthinking, it becomes the flow of mental waves on the surface
of the ocean of mind (manas), which deeply inside is quiet, peaceful
and powerful, full of creative possibilities. When a man tries to stop
a thought or catch a thought, emotion, visions then he/she confirms
their reality, enlivens them, strengthens and they start to control
thinking, create illusions, lead astray. A man becomes an unfree
servant of his thoughts and his fate results from them. Thinking
habits, emotions, attachments, memories, all these are covered and
darkened by a Pure Mind, which loses its clarity and sharpness...