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Sutras: HRIDAYA (Apocrypha)
Spiritual Lessons of Himalaya Masters for searchers of truth and pilgrims of Mystic Path of Yoga.
Udânas: MHM
The Message of Himalaya Master. Pearls of Spiritual Knowledge. Answers to bothering questions, advice and directions referring to Spiritual Development, Yoga, Tantra, Meditation, Religion, Mystics, Ayurveda.
Esoteric Library
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Last website update:
01-09-2013, 13:43

This website came into being for all people interested in such matters as Laya Yoga & Tantra, Raja Yoga, Healing Yoga of Bhaishajya Deva (Ayurveda), Vajrasattva, Spiritual Development, Meditation, Ecology, Vegetarianism, the Aquarius Age – the Golden Age of Truth, Great White Fraternity, Spirits of Nature, Angels, Elements, Chakras, Reincarnation, Spiritual Conductivity and the Rule of Guru. In a nutshel for all those who walk the Mystical Path of Yoga and Light, for all interested in deepening the Secret Knowledge and Spiritual Wisdom, whose source has always been in the Himalaya Mountains! This website is a great treasury of spiritual lectures given by currently living and teaching Avatar of WisdomHimalaya Swami.

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The characteristic features of People-Angels

People-Angels are often incarnated into common people in order to live on this Earth, among normal people as the "creatures out of this land"! The feeling of having origins in the Cosmos, being different from the majority of people, the impression of being a part of a different level of being, these are the most typical signals of the angelic nature....
About the Desire for God, Spirit and Faith

Every man depends on God, whether he believes in God or not – it doesn’t influence his internal dependence on the Creator of Live. Humanity as a whole has a strong tendency to spontaneously believe in God, and people who totally negate His existence, are in every society definitely a minority...
Cocoa as a Remedy and Spiritual Beverage of Gods

According to the ancient spiritual stories of Indians, it was Great Angel named Quetzalcoatl who gave people Xocolatl, Cocoa, when he adopted a human body and descended to Earth to help people. Heavens are very gracious, and higher creatures coming to the Earth, to humankind, gave people many good and useful things...
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Most of the Messages of Himalaya Master are accessible in Polish language, because of their origins. However, we would like to make those worthy spiritual teachings, whose number has grown to over a few hundreds, accessible to the world, at least in English. We are doing our best but our financial possibilities are limited, therefore we ask You for donations and support.

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Start the Studies of Spiritual Knowledge and Wisdom! Welcome to the panel of Himalaya University (on the left), where we gather quite spacious and precious collections of “Spiritual Wisdom Pearls”: Hridaya Sutras (Apocrypha) – over 100 esoteric lessons for the pilgrims of mystical paths of Yoga, Tantra and for the searchers of the Truth. Udânas "The Messages of Himalaya Master" are an answer for various subjects bothering the moderrn society, straightening many complicated and perplexing issues that refer to Spiritual Development, Vegetarianism, Religion, Yoga Practice, etc. Secret Knowledge about Chakras is huge collection of professional studies and texts, dedicated to Consciousness and Spiritual Powers Centers  (Chakras) and the work with them.

Within the framework of the studies you’re also welcome to visit the Library of Esoteric and Spiritual Knowledge. We will place there many valuable Spiritual Works, Treaties, Studies, etc. referring to Spiritual Development, Yoga Practice, Numerology, Mysticism, Ecology, Vegetarianism.

Welcome to the MULTIMEDIA section. You can learn here by ear a lot of Vedic Mantras, Shivaic and Slavic Spiritual Songs and Hymns, listen to lectures and studies of Himalaya Swami (registered during meditation workshops and long intensive studies during last 20 years). You can also find here some recordings of HARESHA band Shivah spiritual songs. (Mantras sung with accompaniment of guitar and fleet). All recordings are available as MP3 files or Ogg Varbis. You can play them directly on our website or download for free on your computer.

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n Esoteric Gallery section – you can find many interesting pictures and images (of masters, angels, meditation forms, meditation symbols, etc.)

Search engine is very helpful in searching for various texts and studies (yellow panel in the right upper corner of the website). Write there just the key words describing the issues that you find interesting – and the search engine will give you the list of publications on our website with links to the key words.

Himalaya Tirtha Sangha is divided into 5 main branches (like 5 petals of lotus flower in the logo of School), where each on them presents one of main field of work on Spiritual development: Laya Yoga & Tantra, Bhaishajya Yoga, Raja Yoga Shigatse, Natha Sampradaya Hatha Yoga, Vajrasattva. For visiting one of these branches and learning more about its activity you just have to click on appropriate icon in upper part of the website.

All remarks referring to the functioning of the site, propositions of portal developing are looked upon favourably. Please direct them to the address:

We give our whole spare time, our skills and commitment to the idea of spreading
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LAYA KRIYA – the archetype of Rebirthing, Holotropy, and Regressing
Laya Kriya is introduced in the classical Yoga by Ryszi PatañdŸali in an instruction verse from chapter I.31 which covers a breath joining breathing in and out in one smooth cycle, as well as three kinds of cleansing side effects which may occur due to heavy kinds of karma, confounding, and addictions of human beings....

Kundalini, The Mother of the Universe
The Mystery of Piercing the Six Chakras (by Rishi Singh Gherwal, 1930). This little self-published work could be most charitably described as an anthology of material on Kundalini Yoga...

Shree Guru Charitra
Guru Charitra (Caritra) is in the nature of a sriptural text devoutly followed by spiritural aspirants, mostly in Karnataka, Maharashtra and Andhra Pradesh. Most of the spiritual centres referred therin are loacted in these states. It is in conversational form between the master and the disciple clarifying all doubts of the disciple. Mainly, it deals with biographies of Lord Dattatreya and his subsequent incarnations as Sripada Srivallabha and Sri Narasimha Saraswati...

TANTRA: Shiva and Linga Puja (Pooja)
Shiva Puja is the name of the action in Hinduism by which one worships Lord Siva through traditional and ancient rites with the use of mantra, tantra, kriyas, mudras, and abhishekam...

2005 by Himalaya Tirtha Sangha. All rights reserved. The use of any materials gathered on this website without the consent of its authors is FORBIDDEN. Contact:

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